Is the sequence firing correctly??
If you have ever felt back pain, or pelvis instability, you may be simply ” out of whack” The most common mis-fire…
Glutes that don’t fire in sequence resulting in the low back muscles “taking up the glutes’ workload slack.”
Just like a car engine and its pistons, there is an ideal firing order for the muscles in a movement sequence.
For example, as we walk, the following is the muscle firing sequence that propels us forward. To get an idea, imagine that your right leg is in the back position of your of your gait.1st muscle to fire: Right Hamstrings 2nd muscle to fire: Right Glutes 3rd muscle to fire: Left back erector muscle (the ~ 1″ muscle that lies alongside your spine) 4th muscle to fire: Right back erector muscle (the ~ 1″ muscle that lies alongside your spine). Let’s get our glutes firing so we can walk, jump and run without disfunction.