Strength Training and your metabolism

Strength Training and your metabolism

Why do I love strength training?

Not only is it my personal therapy before hitting my private clients, but it’s important training for my physical being. It stimulates my mind, it builds a strong athletic body and it raises my metabolism which means my body processes food at a higher rate. Food is energy that my body requires to perform to its optimum. Finding the correct balance of nutrition is the most important part to increasing your metabolism whilst sustaining energy levels and promoting fat loss. Strength training with weights is one fabulous way to increase your metabolism in time. Why? and How? The indirect effect of strength training is it helps you build muscle which in turn does help increase your metabolism. Muscle burns a much higher percentage of calories at rest, whereas body fat is much lower calorie expenditure on a daily basis. So no matter what your goal is in relation to fitness, having a fast metabolism is a benefit to you achieving your goals. Happy Thursday facts.

TRIGGER POINTS – Do you suffer?

TRIGGER POINTS – Do you suffer?

Wonder what that burning pain, stiffness, restriction and muscle weakness may be?
Trigger points are a type of muscle stiffness, results of tiny contraction knots that develop in the muscle and tissue when an area of the body is injured or overworked. Causing referred pain, they can often send the wrong message, often resulting in wrong assumption of the problem and it’s location. I see this daily in my clinic, as trigger points can be also caused from muscle trauma, e.g. Car accident, falls, sports injuries. They can also be caused from improperly standing or sitting for long periods at your computer, emotional stress, anxiety, allergies, nutritional deficiencies, inflammation and toxins from the environment. These trigger points can cause suffering for life if not assessed properly and addressed. Why these trigger points can cause so much trouble is the body’s instinctive reaction to a ” harmful” event, so to protects itself. It does this by altering the way you sit, move, stand, which puts abnormal stress on your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Pain is always a signal of dysfunction. Seek advice